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Quiz the Coach :: Tough Time for Tomboys

Apr 22, 2010

b-baller18 asks:

I wanna know if I'm a tomboy. I like to play basketball, run track, and I mostly wear gym shorts (out of the guys section). I'm not into all that girly stuff like make-up, nail polish and stuff. I like to be outside a lot, and I'm not scared of spiders or snakes and stuff. I always wear tennis shoes or converse. Does that make me a tomboy?

Dear b-baller18,

Yes, the things you mention make it seem like you are a tomboy. A tomboy is a girl that generally takes on the characteristics of a boy, and spiders and snakes over make-up and nail polish couldn’t be a more obvious imbalance. However being a tomboy is not a negative quality, it’s a great thing. Let me tell you why...

The Women’s Rights Movement

First of all, you are not alone. Over the past 50 years, women have made great movements to participate in sports and events that were only allowed for men. Also, women are becoming more independent to live exciting lives outside of “the kitchen”. Every year, more and more girls are becoming tomboys, because women have achieved freedom to choose how they wish to live their own lives.

Kudos for Confidence

The most important aspect of your personality is that you are confident. It takes a lot of confidence to be different, especially in school as there are so many kids that tease anyone who isn’t “normal”. A lot of kids hide the fact that they are different just so they fit in, and they end up doing a lot of things they don’t really want to do. So your confidence is going to help you achieve happiness, because you aren’t scared to do what you want to do.

Trusting Tomboy

By just being yourself, whether you’re a tomboy or not, your honesty is going to attract good people and quality friends to you. If you are honest with yourself, people are going to notice it. Also, you are going to find that most of them will have an easy time trusting you. This will also make it very easy for you to establish deep and meaningful relationships with your close friends.

Beating the Bullies

Of course there are always mean bullies that might try and hurt you for being different. The important thing is to not let them shatter your confidence or break your honesty. School is full of challenges and the biggest problems are bullies that bring down the self-esteem of the students. There really is no easy solution to this, but as long as you don’t let them change you… you will overcome this challenge.

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