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Monster Hunter Tri, After Burner, and Harvest Moon

Apr 16, 2010

Keep up-to-date with all the latest video game releases! Kidzworld has all the latest games to keep watch for. This week, we preview Monster Hunter Tri, After Burner, and Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley!

Monster Hunter Tri

The latest entry in the Monster Hunter series lets you slay dragons with the latest technology for the Wii. A new Wii controller, the Classic Controller Pro, with extra shoulder buttons and better grips, is bundled with the game. Free online play along with the Wii Speak peripheral can let you devise strategies with your friends, too. All of this adds together to let you track down and hunt or capture monsters all over the game's fantasy world, including a new-to-the-series underwater environment! The monster-slaying action with RPG elements promises to be one of the Wii's biggest releases this year.

After Burner Climax

The arcade fighter jet game, After Burner Climax, is getting a port to both Xbox Live and the Playstation Store next week. You pilot fighter jets like in HAWX or Ace Combat, but with 20 stages of crazy awesome rocket-dodging gameplay, and a "Climax Mode" that lets you slow that gameplay down for a split second so you can think! Paying only 40 quarters for unlimited at-home play of this arcade game sounds pretty sweet. It might cost more to get your seat to move around like in the arcades, though.

Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley

Harvest Moon has returned to the PSP, and with an all-new branching storylines and tons of endings, you may have fun farming for a while! As in other Harvest Moon games, you tend a farm and build relationships with the townsfolk to reach your goals, but in this one you have to stop the evil Funland Corporation from destroying your town! To stop this threat, you'll have to not only farm, but mine for gems and try your hand at part-time jobs to raise the money necessary to save everyone.

What Video Games are Dropping This Week?

  • April 20th - Monster Hunter Tri for Wii
  • April 20th - Beat City for DS
  • April 20th - Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley for PSP
  • April 21st - After Burner Climax for Xbox 360 and PS3