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How to be Happy

Aug 27, 2018

Being a positive person who is happy about life isn't as hard as it sounds - it's actually a choice you make. Or, more accurately, choices you make every second of your life. Think about it: you can always choose to be upset about it or choose to stay upbeat, no matter what life throws at you. Here are some other basic rules of being happy.

How to be Happy

#1: Be Body Aware

Being aware of your body doesn't mean noticing a few extra pounds or worrying that you're too short to join the basketball team. Rather, it means that you can listen to what your body is telling you whenever you have a tough (or easy) decision to make in life. When you find yourself facing a choice, any kind of choice, try staying still and quiet for a moment and asking your body (in other words, your self), "How do I feel about this?" If you stay extra alert and aware and "listen" very closely, your heart will always give you an answer as to what the best thing to do for you is.

#2: Find Self-Esteem

When you totally, completely, absolutely love yourself, nothing in the world can take that away you. So many people waste so much of their lives trying to improve themselves or make themselves "better," just to live up to what they think other people expect of them. The truth is, you are perfect just the way you are. You were born with everything you need to make it in this world, and to be happy in your life. Yes, there's always room to grow as a person, but if you love yourself every single step of the way, you'll always be content.

#3: Detoxify

Detoxifying means cutting out the bad stuff. If you smoke or eat junk food all the time or spend hours on end in front of the TV watching movies and playing video games, then you are not giving your body or your mind a fair chance. Staying healthy, eating right and keeping away from toxins - things that are bad for you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually - give you a far better chance at happiness. This goes for "toxic" people and relationships, too. If you're not happy with your current situation, change it. If you're dealing with someone who's not a true friend, move on. Keep your environment and your body clean and healthy and you'll lead a much happier life.

#4: Stop Trying to be Right

You'll always have a different opinion, perspective or viewpoint than someone else. That's life and that's perfectly fine. The key to happiness, however, is to stop trying and changing other people's minds so that they'll agree with you. Who cares if your friend feels differently about Justin Bieber? So what if your coach thinks you're throwing the ball wrong? Rather than arguing, accept the fact that everyone thinks about everything differently. That's what makes the world such an interesting place to be!

#5: Be Present

Some people actually believe the meaning of life is in the moment. That means, stop thinking about what happened to you in the past, or what may or may not happen to you in the future - you have no control over those things, so it's best just to let them go. The only thing that really matters is RIGHT NOW - it's the only thing you have control over, the only thing you have the power the change, the only thing you can experience fully and the only thing that's truly real and truly counts. The sad can often make you sad and the future can often make you worry. It's best to just let go of those things and concentrate on the NOW - you'll be much happier for it.

#6: See the World in You

This may be a little hard to understand, but you are the whole world and the whole world is you. If you're a whiz when it comes to science, it may be easiest to see this in terms of atoms and molecules - the little tiny particles of energy that everyone and everything, from the tiniest grain of sand to the tallest mountain, is made of. If you're made of the same molecules that the tree in your backyard, the bricks in your wall and the whole entire continent you live on are made of, then that must mean that you and the whole, entire world are made of the exact same stuff! And when you think about things that way, you become a lot more confident, a lot stronger and a lot more understanding - and all of that leads to more happiness.

#7: Look for Your True Self

For most people, it takes a good part of their lives to figure this out. Some people never learn it at all. But if you can start looking for your TRUE SELF as a kid, you'll be better off, and a whole lot happier, for it in the long run. Your true self isn't your name, your age, your nationality, your race, your weight, your height, your address or even the way you would describe your personality. Your true self is your soul and your spirit. It doesn't have a name and it doesn't have a shape; in fact, it can't be described. The only way you can know your true self is to feel it inside you, vibrating and pulsing with life. When you sit still a while, quietly, and connect with your true self, your spirit, your soul, you'll feel a sense of peace and happiness wash over you. Your true self is your ultimate BFF … it's definitely worth finding YOU and forming a relationship with YOU, because that can give you the kind of happiness that will last a lifetime.

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