A funny name for a super-fun game! Bananagrams is a fast-paced word game where the goal is to make as many freeform crossword puzzles as you can.
A funny name for a super-fun game! Bananagrams is a brand-new, fast-paced word game where the goal is to make as many words in the form of a crossword puzzle as you can. All you need in order to play this game is a quick mind and table or flat surface to set up.
Peel ‘N Play
The first great thing about Bananagrams is something you’re sure to notice before you even start playing – the bright yellow cloth zippered case that contains all the letter tiles you’ll need to play. It’s shaped just like a real banana and “unpeels” like one too (with the help of a handy zipper)!
The next thing we love about Bananagrams is the fact that not only is it totally fun and frenzy gameplay, it’s also a great way to challenge yourself in spelling and vocabulary skills – without even knowing you’re learning! Plus, each game played goes really quickly, making it the perfect toy to bring along when you’re on the go, on the road, on a plane or on vacation – even when you’re waiting at the doctor’s office or for a table at a restaurant! It also requires no extra “props” – so you can leave the paper and pencils at home.
But here’s what’s REALLY the best part of playing Bananagrams: Yelling BANANAS! when you’re finished!

Banangrams Rules
All letters (the “BUNCH”) are placed face down on the table. Everyone takes 11-21 tiles (depending on the number of players, two or four). Someone says “SPLIT.” The players turn over their tiles and start playing, all at the same time, to create their own individual crossword (which they can constantly rearrange). When one player has no letters left that player shouts “PEEL,” and takes one tile from the “BUNCH.” All the other players have to do the same – take one tile from the “BUNCH.” At any time, as often as they want to, any player with a letter that’s hard to use can yell “DUMP” and return that letter, face down, to the “BUNCH” pile and take THREE new letter tiles in exchange. Once all the letters in the “BUNCH” are gone the first player with no letters left shouts “BANANAS” and wins that round.
Video: Toy Trailer
Ages: Spelling Age!
Price Range:
Price Range Legend
$0-$15 =
$16-$30 =
$31-$45 =
$46-$60 =
$60+ =
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