Kidpreneurs … it’s kind of a funny word to say, right? But there’s nothing funny about having a great idea and turning into a business that can earn you money! That’s what the book Kidpreneurs: Young Entrepreneurs With Big Ideas is all about!
Kidpreneurs … it’s kind of a funny word to say, right? But there’s nothing funny about having a great idea and turning into a business that can earn you money! That’s what the new book Kidpreneurs: Young Entrepreneurs With Big Ideas by entrepreneur brothers Adam and Matthew Torren is all about!
Big Ideas
Who says kids can’t have big ideas? Kidpreneurs starts off by asking a question you’ve probably already heard a zillion times before: What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? Even though the future may seem a long way off, this book says a great time to start planning what path your career will take later in life when you’re a kid.
”Did you know that many grown-ups end up doing something completely different than what they thought they wanted to do as kids? Sometimes it’s because they changed their minds once they got older, but other times it’s because they didn’t have a plan to help them make their dreams come true.”
To help you start working on your plan, Kidpreneurs gives you some great info about the grown-up world of working and helps you figure out whether you’re an entrepreneur or not.
Be Your Own Boss
So what exactly is an entrepreneur anyway? Well, it’s someone who has lots of great business or money-making ideas and works to turn those ideas into reality. Usually, entrepreneurs work for themselves, meaning they don’t have a boss telling them what to do. In fact, some entrepreneurs are so good at what they do they need to hire other people to work for them!

Check out Kidpreneurs to find out more about what being an entrepreneur means (there’s even a quiz to make sure you’re all clear on the details!). After that, the book goes on to give lots of helpful tips and advice to help you start being one! From thinking about your interests and talents to scoping out potential customers to building a website for your business and more, this book will show you everything you need to know in order to be a great Kidpreneur yourself!
Some Samples
Kidpreneurs gives lots of cool examples of businesses kids can create themselves:
- Babysitting service
- Lawn care service
- Lemonade stand
- Dog-walking service
If one of these ideas sounds good to you or gives you an even BETTER idea of a business you can start and run yourself, grab the book to find out how to put your plan in motion!

Fun Features
Kidpreneurs isn’t just a book you read – it’s a book you study, write in and keep that can make you an expert, successful entrepreneur! Here are some of the extra features of the book:
- Quizzes at the end of each chapter to make sure you got all the important stuff down
- Activities to help you along with your business idea, like a space to create your own logo
- Games that will help you learn more about the business of making your own money
- Fun facts
- Awesome illustrations
- Resources and web links
- A Business Plan at the back where you can record the details of your very own business

Where On The Web?
Visit Kidpreneurs online at, where you can get more info, read reviews, watch videos, subscribe to a FREE newsletter and buy the book.
Video: Book Trailer
Video: Author Interview
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