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Dear Dish-It, He Denied It... They Always Do

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It, is here to whisper "ttyl when I've thought about this some more".

Dear Dish-It,

There is this boy in my class... he is like a brother to me. I have liked him since the 6th grade. He says he likes me to. Should I ask him out or just keep my feelings inside?

Dear T1102J,

Yuck! What's up with this, gurl? This boy is like your brother, but you wannna know if you should ask him out? Again with the "yuck." My brother is many things, including a friend, but dating material? I don't think so. I hear this a lot from you gurls... writin' in and sayin' your boy is like a bro... and askin' what's your next move. And my answer is always the same - nuttin'. Maybe you need to think about your feelin's a bit more. Are we talkin' 'bout a hottie you're crushin' on? And it always feels totally easy when you're with him? No game playin'? No shy gurl or shy guy? Cuz if this is what you mean, you need to say it. And whatever you do, don't tell him you think he's like a brother. You'll be sending the wrong message. Just step up and tell him how you feel.

Dear Dish-It,

Well, there is this new guy at our school and I thought nothing of him because he wasn't all that. But then I started passing by him more and more, and talking to him here and there. He started looking kinda cute so I told my best friend and she said ewwww! Well, sure enough we got together and we were together 4 about a month. In the meantime, I was talking to his best friend (on the cools) from his old school. I ask all my boy friends the same question - "have you ever been in love?" My boyfriend told me once with his X chick. Then I was talking to his best friend. He told me my boyfriend was still with that other girl, but I kinda thought he was just trying to break us up because he kept trying to get with me. N-E wayz, I got so mad and hurt I couldn't believe it and the weird part was I was actually falling in love. I told my boyfriend and he denied it... (but they always do.) He was staying with his aunt and we were talking for awhile, but we had to go cause it was getting late. I admitted I loved him and he said he loved me too. Now, 2 months later, I haven't heard from him since then. And his grandma and his brother still live in the same apartment, but everytime I call or knock on their door they don't answer and I know they're there cause their car is there, the lights are on and you can hear the TV. Well, I called him from my cousin's house and his grandma answered the phone and told me he's been on vacation and should be coming back soon. So I called and they're not answering. What should I do?

Dear LilTeez100,

Let it go gurl. You're sounding like a total wack job. Hello, stalker much? I mean you sound so paranoid "I can hear the TV," that this guy is costing you all the marbles. Like, the marbles in your head. My advice is back off before the brain damage is permanent. Either this guy doesn't deserve the freak session you're about to unload or he's damaged goods himself. Maybe your behavior is reasonable given this boy's behaviour. But do you want everyone to think you're a fatal attraction? I'll say it again, back off. Don't give this guy another thought. Don't even mention his name. When you start to feel that you've got it under control, find someone new. Someone nice and reliable. If you can't back off, you might need help loosening that choke hold. Talk to a friend... maybe they can lend some objectivity here.

Dear Dish-It,

I have a boyfriend but we don't talk a lot. I want to break up with him because we are going to have to break up soon. Should I do it now or later?

Dear A.F.,

What are ya on, some sort of schedule? You have to break up with him soon... did this boy come with an expiry date? Best before... This sounds weirdly arbitrary, but there is no denying a lack of words. I mean how do you have a thing with someone when you don't talk to each other. News flash peeps - it's all about the talkin', the hangin', the understandin' and the supportin'. Havin' that special somebody in your life, is like being tight with a good friend (someone you share everything with.) It's not about bein' able to say you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Where's the value in that? If it ain't real, it ain't worth it.

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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