The Looking Glass Wars is a bestselling trilogy of three books by author Frank Beddor that tells the REAL story of Alice In Wonderland and Alice Through The Looking Glass. The third and final book in the series, ArchEnemy will be released on October 15, 2009.
The Looking Glass Wars Series
First book in the series: The Looking Glass Wars
Second book in the series: Seeing Redd
Third book in the series: ArchEnemy

The cool thing about this trilogy, besides the twists and turns it takes on Lewis Carroll’s original Alice In Wonderland and Alice Through The Looking Glass novels is that it’s got a number of exciting spinoffs connected to it that take the story to new levels of interaction and gameplay.
Hatter M. Graphic Novels
One of the characters in the original The Looking Glass Wars series was a bodyguard named Hatter Madigan - an odd take on the Mad Hatter of Alice In Wonderland. Hatter M. has actually inspired a spin-off series of graphic novels called Hatter M..
The first graphic novel series that contains four books follows Hatter Madigan's search for a missing princess. A second graphic novel called Hatter M.: Mad With Wonder is coming out October 15, 2009 – the same date as the third and final book in The Looking Glass Wars series.

The Looking Glass Wars Online & Offline Collectible Card Game
Novels, comic books – what more could there be toThe Looking Glass Wars? YES! It’s also a card game you can play online and off. The game comes out next month so keep an eye out for it so you can have fun collecting all the cards in the deck!

The Looking Glass Wars Online Card Game is based on the ancient game of Go. Both are pretty simple to play but can involve some deep strategy. Your goal in the game is to surround and capture your opponents' cards before they do the same to you.
The first launch of cards will be followed up by future expansions featuring Wonderland designs from a variety of talented artists. And you can also take this card-gaming experience offline when The Looking Glass Wars physical card game is released.
For a free preview of the game, visit a href= ="_blank">
Video: The Looking Glass Wars
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