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Spyborgs :: Wii Game Review

Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2009
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Spyborgs underwent a major overhaul and redesign since it was first announced. Read our review to see what changed, what improved, and if it is enough to earn it top marks.

When Spyborgs was first announced, it had cartoony graphics and super powered themed mini-games and puzzles along with its action packed levels. Since then, the game has developed a more mature look and has become a straightforward beat 'em up game.

Double Up the Beatings, Double Up the Fun

The Spyborgs are Stinger, a guy with a gun for an arm, Bouncer, a big robot, and Clandestine, a ninja girl. In the game, the Spyborgs are betrayed by their team member and must try to stop his ambitions of taking over the universe.

Two characters are always used. If you don't have a friend to co-op with, the computer will take over the other character. Friends can drop in and out whenever they please. The controls and fighting action are amazing. The only motion controls used are with finishing moves that you perform with your partner.

Achievements and Downfalls

Spyborgs is a very high quality game. It features some of the best graphics ever seen on the Wii. The fixed camera works very well and follows the action to give you the best shots. There are also mini-achievements and unlockables to find in the game to keep you going.

However, the game is hard. Not just challenging, but throw your controller out the window frustratingly hard. The main reason for this is that checkpoints are too rare. This, in combination with the large amount of enemies thrown at you, means that you will have to repeat sections of the game dozens of times. And, if you get past it, you still may not survive to the next checkpoint, which means you will have to try everything all over again.

Spyborgs is a well made game with great graphics, a good combo system, and fun co-op. However, its difficulty and simplicity might mean that you will quickly get tired of the game.


Price: $39.99

ESRB Rating: T for Teen

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