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My Sister's Keeper DVD Review

Reviewed by on Nov 20, 2009
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Anna was born for a particular reason—to save her sister’s life. Check out Kidzworld’s review of My Sister’s Keeper on DVD.

Anna was born for a particular reason—to save her sister’s life. Check out Kidzworld’s review of My Sister’s Keeper on DVD.

Sara (played by Cameron Diaz) and Brian are the perfect couple with the perfect life—until their daughter Kate is diagnosed with leukemia. With no donor match in the family, the frantic parents take the advice of their doctor and have another child to provide Kate with the blood and bone marrow she needs to keep battling the cancer.

Unwilling Donor

The test tube baby that results is Anna (played by Abigail Breslin of Little Miss Sunshine fame), but after a lifetime of putting her sister first, Anna is finally tired of literally giving herself away. When her parents assume she’ll give Kate one of her kidneys and accept a life of “being careful,” Anna hires a lawyer and sues her parents for the rights to her own body. What follows is a tear jerking back story detailing Anna’s difficult decision, her love for her sister and Kate’s ups and downs through her sickness.

Special Features

The most interesting feature provided on the Blu Ray is From Picoult to Screen where the filmmakers detail how they adapted My Sister’s Keeper from the book by Jodi Picoult. There is also a Behind the Scenes featurette and over fifteen minutes of additional heart wrenching scenes for you to shed more tears over.

The Bottom Line

With tear jerking scene after tear jerking scene, you feel like My Sister’s Keeper is just daring you not to cry. Still, as sentimental as this movie is, it’s a deeply affecting and well-acted film about the devasting effects of leukemia. If you’ve ever known someone who’s been affected by cancer, My Sister’s Keeper does a decent job of portraying the tragedy. You might want to watch this with an adult because it can get very heavy.

My Sister's Keeper DVD Rating: 3

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