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Quiz the Coach - P.E. Class & Football Practice

Dec 27, 2006

So ya dig sports but need some help with your game? Don't understand some of the rules of B-Ball or Soccer? Got a gripe about teammates or coaches, or anything? Why not . The Kidzworld Coach can help ya work out team problems or give ya tips to improve your game - all ya gotta do is ask!

Hey Coach,
My P.E. teacher sucks. He is the dad of the popular girl in school. He is so hard on me. I admit that I'm a lil' overweight. But each day he makes me run 100 sprints, and do 50 push-ups and at least 30 chin-ups. Geez, give me a break!!!

Hey dudegal,
What sort of break are you looking for? Don't be such a slacker. Sprints, push-ups and chin-ups are part of P.E. class - just like fractions and algebra are part of math class. So, suck it up and deal with it. Your P.E. teacher is just trying to get you and the rest of your class in shape. The more you exercise, the easier P.E. class will be. The fact that he's the dad of "the popular girl in school" has nothing to do with it.

Hey Coach,
When I play football, I tend not to hit my teammates as hard in practice as I would hit in a game. Can you help me?

Hey Swat_06,
You should definitely be working as hard in practice as you would in a game - which means you should be hitting your teammates just as hard. You don't want to hurt them, but you do want to give them your best shots. Don't worry about hitting them just because they might be your friends. If they enjoy football, and are competitive as well, they should understand.

Eric Lindros of the New York Rangers once said, "It's not necessarily the amount of time you spend at practice that counts; it's what your put into the practice." But Eric also got a concussion in practice after one of his teammates put a little too much into a bodycheck - so there is a fine line between playing hard in practice and hurting your team.

Do you have a question on sports, fitness or health? to the Coach.

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