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G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra Movie Review

Reviewed by on Aug 03, 2009
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Lots of us used to play with G.I. Joe action figures. Now the plastic army guy is on the big screen in his first feature film – G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra.

Lots of us remember playing with G.I. Joe action figures and play-sets when we were younger. Now the little plastic army guy has graduated to the big screen in his first feature-length film – G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra. Check out Kidzworld’s review of this new – and highly anticipated – movie.

The Story

The opening of the movie takes place in 1641, when a man named James McCullen is caught selling weapons to both sides of a vicious feud in order to make money for himself. As his punishment, a molten cast-iron mask is seared permanently onto McCullen’s face to remind people what happens to those who betray the king. But McCullen – ever defiant – says no matter what’s done to him, no matter how much the kings of the world resist, his sons, and his sons’ sons will always be a threat to the world.

Fast-forward to present day. Duke (played by Channing Tatum) and Ripcord (Marlon Wayans) are special forces operatives sent to deliver and protect some deadly new weapons (four warheads containing a revolutionary nanomite technology) that can eat their way through pretty much anything in a matter of seconds.

On their journey their convey is attacked by a mysterious military force of seriously scary-looking soldiers who seem to be impossible to kill. The soldiers are headed up by The Baroness (Sienna Miller). That’s when G.I. Joe – the best of the best – shows up to defend the convoy.

The Action

What can we say? The dialogue is quick and catchy, the story is out-of-this-world and the gadgets are GREAT! One of the best characters in the movie is Storm Shadow (played by Byung-hun Lee) – he’s a calculating cold-blooded assassin who can really wield a sword. Every time he and Snake Eyes (Ray Park) face off against each other the other battles seem to pale in comparison. And these two ninjas are pitted against each other in not just one death-match but several.

The Sequel?

Without giving away to much of the plot, it seems like this movie was made for a sequel (which, according to rumors, is going to start shooting next year). You’ll see what we mean when you watch it for yourself. Wait for the ending – you’re in for a few big surprises!

The Verdict

This is without a doubt one of the most action-packed blockbusters of the summer. So if you’re looking for explosive action, malicious villains and some of the most mind-blowing sets you’ve ever seen, then pack up the popcorn and head to the nearest theatre to watch G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra – YO JOE!

G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra Movie Rating: 5

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