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Dear Dish-It: Friendship Help & Advice

Oct 26, 2016

Dish-it gets so many questions, she doesn’t always have time to answer them all right away! Here are some quickie answers for some of the shorter questions she’s received.

I love baseball and I want to be a baseball player but nobody thinks I can do it accept my family and my friend. What should I do? – punker11

You should prove them wrong! First of all, you’re allowed to have whatever goals and dreams you choose. Second, who knows? With enough hard work and practice, maybe you WILL become a ball player when you grow up. I think you should practice, practice, practice and hold on to your dreams. If people are picking on you or trying to bring you down, just don’t talk to them about the things you want to do when you grow up.

School is coming again and this time I wanna become friends with my crush. But the problem is that I'm too scared. What do I do? – kiara14u2c

Well, if what you really, really want is to be friends with your crush, then the only thing you CAN do is overcome your fears and start getting more and more friendly with him! Try sitting next to him in a new class or asking him to work on a project with you.

I have a crush on the class clown. He is so popular and I am not popular at all. What should I do? – hotgur

I get these sorts of question all the time – they’re part of the Top 10 Most Popular Questions To Dish-It! That’s why I wrote a guide about what to do when you want to tell someone you like them or want to ask someone out on a date. Check it out!

How do I handle my best friend going to a different school – taryn901

Just because your BFF is going to be in a different school than you doesn’t mean your friendship needs to end. While you make friends and hang out with people in your school and she does the same in her school, make sure the two of you agree to spend some time together every week or month (whatever works best for you). Also, fill her in about the things going on in your life on a regular basis by phone or e-mail, and ask her lots of questions about her school and the friends she has there. You can also include her in activities that involve your school friends, and let her know you’d definitely love to meet the friends she makes at her school.

If your friend says something mean about you, would u still be their friend? – babylaboo1998

Forgiveness is a wonderful thing. If you can find it in your heart to forgive your friend for what he or she said, that makes you the bigger (and better) person in the situation. If you can’t forgive your friend, then you have to let him or her go and move on. It’s totally normal to grow out of old friendships and to let go of people who don’t bring happiness into your life. I guess the thing you need to do is think about whether or not you can forgive your friend and whether or not you want your friendship to end over this one thing.

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