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Dear Dish-It: How Do I Know If He Likes Me?

Jul 31, 2009

Dear Dish-It,

How do I know if a guy likes me?


Dear Friizzz,

Other people can be really confusing, especially when it comes to crushes and dating. How can you tell if he likes you? Here are a few signs that he is probably into you.

Your Gut Says "Yes!" When you’re young you're still learning how to recognize and trust your intuition (your gut). If you have a feeling that someone's falling for you, even if you can't put your finger on why, he probably is.

He Can't Take His Eyes Off You. He can’t avoid staring at you. He may look into your eyes for a long time or he might glance at you a lot and then look away. Either way, his gaze is constantly headed in your direction. This is one example of body language, which is a great clue about whether someone likes you.

He Wants To Be Near You. If he likes you, he's likely to put himself near you whenever possible. Maybe he finds a way to pass you each afternoon in the hall or he keeps showing up at your soccer games. He might not say anything to you, but he wants to learn more about you. If he's brave, he might even hug you, pat your arm or tickle you. If he does these sorts of things, he's probably into you big time.

He Remembers Things You Say. Two weeks ago you mentioned that you've always wanted to learn how to ride a horse and he brings it up when you're chatting. Maybe he remembers that your favorite color is green or you're scared of spiders. If he's paying attention to little details like this he's probably into you.

He Thinks You're Hilarious. You told the worst joke in class the other day and he was the only to laugh, and he giggles at everything you say. If any of these situations sound like yours there's a good chance that he likes you.

He Smiles Like It's Going Out of Style. When you walk into the room, his face lights up. You raise your hand in class and he grins like it’s Christmas morning. When you talk to each other he's smiling big and paying attention. Yup, he thinks you're the cat’s meow!

He Tells Someone He Likes You. If he tells one of his friends that he likes you or talks to his buddies about you a lot, it’s obvious he thinks you're pretty great.

He Values Your Opinion. He asks what you think about something that's important to him like his overhand pass or his science project. He's probably pretty stuck on you and this is a great opportunity to strike up a conversation -- and maybe more.

If you've got a burning question, need some love advice or find yourself thinking about things like sex, depression, self-esteem, boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends, bullying or peer pressure, don't hesitate to Dish-It here. Send your questions to deardish@kidzworld.com. And if you hang out in the chat rooms with other Kidzworld members who know you by your username, just send in your secret question using a different nickname if you want to stay anonymous – we promise that no one will ever know it's you. Remember: Dish-It gets a load of letters every day so it may take a while to reply to yours. Keep checking back for her reply, or watch for answered Dish-It questions that are similar to your own.

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