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Dear Dish-It: How Do I Get Him Back?

Jun 11, 2020

Dear Dish-It,

How do you get a boy that dumped you once to like you again?


Dear sagerayne,

Well, I don’t think you need to get a boy who dumped you to like you again. I think you should move on and be happy that you are free to meet someone that’s better for you, who’ll stay with you and treat you right.

Some people think that it’s OK to want to get back together with an ex. I don’t think it’s a bad thing, either, as long as it happens naturally. What I mean is, you don’t need to do anything to make it happen. If you and your ex-boyfriend are meant to be together again, then you will be together again someday – there’s nothing you can or need to do to make that happen.

If you REALLY want advice on how to make your ex like you again, I’m sure there’s lots of it out there on the Internet. Unfortunately, since I don’t agree that you should have to do anything special to get anyone to notice you – especially not someone who has already dumped you once in the past – I can’t give you any tips in this column.

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