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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask :: Wii Virtual Console Game Review

Reviewed by on May 20, 2009
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Majoras Mask is finally on the Virtual Console. If youve never played it before, nows definitely the time.

Two games have been keeling classic Nintendo fans over in pain because they haven't yet been released for the Wii's Virtual Console: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Earthbound. Earthbound must continue to elude us, but Majora's Mask has finally arrived, and can be played with the Wii's VC-specific classic controller or a Gamecube controller. Is it worth a buy? (Spoiler alert: Yes.)

The Lost 3D Zelda Title

Majora's Mask is the least remembered Zelda game in 3d, partly because it didn't change a whole lot from Ocarina of Time (notice that Nintendo changed the series a ton with Wind Waker after that). Now, if you never played Ocarina of Time (or it's even possible that you weren't born yet, as much as that scares me) then you should get it from the Wii Virtual Console first, then maybe think about getting Majora's Mask if you liked it. Ocarina of Time is often considered the best game of all time, and it's a must-play for anyone who truly loves video games. Majora's Mask isn't as well-known, but it's a classic Zelda game in its own right, that some people think is actually better.

So What's Different?

Majora's Mask takes place over the same three days, over and over and over. Yay! What fun! But seriously, it's an interesting change-up from Ocarina of Time. The gameplay involves more minigames and side quests, and it's a bit harder than last time around. Also, the story is darker, and truthfully better, but kind of sadder, you'll see.

Who Doesn't Want This Game?

As I've said before, this game is very similar to The Ocarina of Time. If you didn't like it, there are only a few things that can make you like this one. For that matter, if you own this game or used to, you shouldn't necessarily feel obligated to buy it again for the Wii, which is fine. But if you're still starved of that great Zelda gameplay and story since Twilight Princess came out so long ago, this is one of the better downloads you can get from the Wii Shop.

Rating: 5

Price: 1000 Wii Points ($10)

ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

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