Dear Dish-It,
Well, here goes. I have this girl in one of my classes and I know she likes me cause I have been told and she flirts with me a lot, but she is going out (with someone else.) I don't know if I should stay quiet or if I should tell her that I like her. I really like her but I don't want her to be offended or nothing. I would rather be friends with her than be her enemy. Anyway, what do you guys think I should do?
Dear Razorn,
You sound totally lush. All I hear from your e is thoughtfulness. Wish more boys were like you! The bad is, it's never a good idea to move in on someone else's girl. So I think you're goin' have to ride this crush alone for a little while longer. The good is, if your girl's startin' to crush back, she might be lookin' to leave where she is at. The smartest way you can play this is as a friend. You say that's important to you... so be her friend. That way you'll be close when the time is right. With an attitude like yours, there's no way you can lose!
Dear Dish-It,
I have a g/f but I like another girl. I like my g/f too. What should I do?
Dear Dish-It,
I like bb/girl. We were even going out, but she dumped me because this one girl said I was cheatin' on her. I wasn't. What should I do?
Dear Dish-It,
I like this girl and I told my friend I like her. So he asked her out for me and she said no, but I still really like her. What should I do?
Dear Cody,
Whoa! Slow up there, boy. You sent me all three of these questions in less than three hours. For all you peeps, I've posted Cody's letters in the order that they came in. Q1 - Dude if you like your girl, you owe it to her to keep your crushin' in check. It's not wrong of you to crush on a couple of peeps at one time, but you can't act on all your feelings. And it may be a sign that you're not so hooked to your g/f, cuz if you were, she'd be your world. It sounds like, from Q2, that your girl figured you out. Maybe you didn't cheat, but your feelings for others still hurt her. Turn the table boy... How'd you feel if you found out your girl was crushin' on some other hottie?
As for your final Q - maybe this new girl you like thinks it's totally weak that you had to get a friend to do the talkin' and the askin'. I think you should try it again. You're never goin' to know her real feelings if you don't talk to her yourself.
So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .
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