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Hannah Montana, Flock, and Garfield Gets Real

Apr 02, 2009

Keep up-to-date with all the latest video game releases! Kidzworld has all the latest games to keep watch for. This week, we preview Flock, Garfield Gets Real, and Hannah Montana: The Movie (the Game).

The Hannah Montana Movie Game

Three days before the movie comes out, you can play Hannah Montana: The Movie (The Game), which follows the movie's storyline through mini-games and concert sequences. On practically any console, you can play through the Hannah Montana Movie storyline. The concert parts play a lot like Rock Band or Guitar Hero, so much so that you can actually use Rock Band/Guitar Hero instruments to play during those parts on the PS3 or Xbox 360. The other games are different sorts of carnival games, like Frog Toss and Dunk the Fool. If you are so desperate to know the movie's story three days before its release, this is a fun way to spoil it. If you don't want to know, then it'll still be in stores three days later, don't worry.

Play as an Alien... Who Herds Sheep

Flock is a sort of puzzle game in which you control a UFO herding sheep back to the mothership of your UFO fleet. Unfortunately, it's not just that simple. Puzzles will have you herding sheep past fences, over waterpipes, and over lots of obstacles as you try to keep them alive long enough to reach the ship. With a long single-player mode, a co-op mode, and even a level editor, this looks like a pretty big game for its budget pricing at about $10.

Make The Best Garfield Film Ever

In Garfield Gets Real, based off of the recent full-animation Garfield film, you get to play as a director of a Garfield movie. You set the camera angles, the props, the lighting, and whatever to make the funniest film for this philistine feline. There are seven different levels for you to direct in, separated by cutscenes from the movie. If you want lights pointed straight in Odie's eyes, you've got it. If you want Garfield to dance like John Travolta, you've got it. All of your directing work eventually combines into a final score that ranks your movie, all the way from B-film to Special Edition. This sounds like some interesting gameplay.

What Video Games are Dropping This Week?

  • April 5th - Rhythm Heaven for DS
  • April 7th - Flock for PC (PS3 and Xbox 360 two days later)
  • April 7th - Hammerin' Hero for PSP
  • April 7th - Hannah Montana the Movie (the Game) for Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, DS, and PC
  • April 7th - Garfield Gets Real for Wii and DS

  • Related Links:

  • Hannah Montana Keeping It Real DVD Review
  • Hannah Montana TV Show Facts
  • Hannah Montana: Best of Both World Concert DVD Review
  • Get the Look :: Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana
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