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Alarming Lunch Box

Oct 04, 2016

Have something tasty in your lunch you don't want to share? If your lunch keeps getting snagged by thieving students, you don't have to starve. And you don't have to go crying to your mommy either.

Nic James had enough of people stealing his lunch at school. Instead of spilling blood, Nic invented an alarm for his lunch box. It fits inside a small juice container so it doesn't take up too much space. Whenever someone opens the lunch box, the alarm goes off. Now no one messes with Nic's food!

12 year-old Nic takes a stereo with him to class which is tuned to the same FM station as the siren inside his lunch box. There had been "heaps of burglaries in bags and stuff" which is one of the reasons Nic invented his alarm. He entered his alarm into the national Bright Sparks competition which is held in New Zealand, where Nic lives. He came in third place in the kitset modification category and won a $40 gift certificate for Dick Smith Electronics. Nic says he, "didn't want to make a big deal of it."

Do you know any kids that have done something outstanding? They don't have to have invented anything. They could have saved someone's life, raised money to support an animal or even a plant, or perhaps they won a contest.

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