They say that everyone out there has a twin. Do ya ever see a celebrity and think you know who it is - then you realize it's not really that person? Check out these celebs who look like they have the same mom!

Justin Timberlake and Ryan Phillippe
Justin Timberlake, the lead singer from *NSYNC, and actor Ryan Phillippe look like twins. They've both got those I-wanna-run-my-fingers-through-your-hair curls, the same pouty mouth and the same eyes. I wonder if Ryan and Justin could trade places and trick Reese and Britney?

Jewel and Renee Zellweger
Folk pop singer Jewel and actress Renee Zellweger look like they were cloned. They both look about the same age (even though Renee's got a few years on Jewel) and they both have the same eyes and hair and cheek bones. - could you mix 'em up?

Tom Cruise and Jason Cook
Jason Cook, who plays Shawn Douglas Brady on Days of Our Lives, looks like he could seriously be Tom Cruise's son! He's a lot younger but he totally has the Tom Cruise smirk, eyes, mouth and even the same facial expressions. Hmmm... was Tom ever a guest star on Days of Our Lives?

Helena Bonham Carter (as an ape) and Michael Jackson
Even though this pic is Helena Bonham Carter dressed as an ape in Planet of The Apes you have to admit there is a strong and scary resemblance going on. What has Michael's chimp Bubbles been up to lately?
Did we miss any? Let us know who you think is a twin. Or tell us what you think about these picks.
Ok now Michael Jackson and the ape look alike. They both have that scary face, same hair and tiny nose. They gotta have the same mother. No offence 2 those who like Michael but they do look alike!
Kidz Submit By:
Nickname: tyler_140
Age: 15
They are twins! Jewel and Renee Zellweger are - I don't care what you say!
Kidz Submit By:
Nickname: eandary1
Age: 12
I think that Justin T. and Ryan P. are twins!
Kidz Submit By:
Nickname: eandary1
Age: 12