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Monopoly: Here & Now: The World Edition Review

Reviewed by on Nov 07, 2008
Rating: 5 Star Rating

You probably recognize names like Baltic Avenue and Park Place from your old Monopoly set, but the popular board game’s Here & Now: The World Edition is a bit more global than that.

You probably recognize names like Baltic Avenue and Park Place from your old Monopoly set, but the popular board game’s Here & Now: The World Edition is a bit more global than that.

The new game has been updated and revamped, and includes all-new, international tokens (play as an Egyptian mummy, a Japanese sumo wrestler or a delicious New York pretzel!) and properties from around the world. In fact, Hasbro, which makes Monopoly, took a worldwide vote back in August 2008 to decide what cities would become part of the new board.

Now, you and up to three friends can compete to buy exotic destinations like Toronto, Canada; Hong Kong, China; London, England; and Rome, Italy. The World Edition also includes “Did You Know?” cards (along with Chance and Community Chest) that let you learn fun facts about each featured city, as well as an Electronic Banking Unit that deals with credit cards instead of cash!

Thumbs up:

  • The deal button is new, and adds more excitement for a fast and frantic game.

  • The Electronic Banking Unit eliminates the need for Monopoly cash.

  • Learn about exotic destinations around the world as you play.

Thumbs down:

  • You may miss old Monopoly properties like Virginia Avenue and Boardwalk, as well as the former game pieces and colourful money.

Rating: 5
Age: 8 and up
Price Range: 3

Price Range Legend
$0-$15 = 1
$16-$30 = 2
$31-$45 = 3
$46-$60 = 4
$60+ = 5

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