How do you get into the holiday mood? Decorate the tree with popcorn, bake gingerbread cookies with your mom, toilet paper your dad's car or roast chestnuts on an open fire... Does anyone actually roast chestnuts on an open fire? Not. Another way to get into the holiday spirit is to watch a Christmas movie. Here are some of Kidzworld's top Christmas flick picks.
Best Cartoons
Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas! is an all-time favorite for every age. Don't confuse it with the Jim Carrey movie. It's got great animations and catchy songs you'll find yourself singing for the rest of the week. The movie is cute, funny and who can forget that sorry little dog trying to impersonate a reindeer by using a tree branch for antlers? Awww... I want to go watch it right now. This is a must-own movie cuz nobody gets sick of The Grinch. Watch it every year while dipping your gingerbread in egg nogg.
If The Grinch isn't your flick, then what about
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? You know, the stop-motion animagic version using little puppets. It's a really cute story and Rudolph's voice is adorable. What happens when Rudolph runs into the abominable snowman? You'll have to watch it to find out.
Best Christmas Gut-Buster
First there was Wally World, then Europe and before hitting Vegas there was
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Remember the crazy Griswold family? If you don't then you're in for a surprise. And you thought your family was weird. Wait until you meet this family. Spending a lot of time with Aunt Beatrice this holiday might not seem so bad. It's a great flick packed with holiday humor.
Classic Feel Good Flicks
One of the best holiday movies, and it's kinda spooky too, is
A Christmas Carol. There are a bunch of different versions of this movie, but my favorite version is definitely the one starring Alastair Sim - the old guy plays Scrooge. My family watches this one every year - late at night before going to bed with sugarplums in our heads. What the heck is a sugar plum anyway? It's an oldie but a goodie - available in black & white or color.
Ever heard the saying, "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings?" That's from another Christmas classic called
It's A Wonderful Life. It's got that famous guy, Jimmy Stewart - you know the one who talks kinda funny. It's a great movie with a special feel-good message but I can't tell ya what the message is, cuz then I would ruin the movie.
So there's still plenty of time to pick up some cool flicks that'll get you right into the holiday spirit. Just remember, if you decide to rent them instead of buying, book 'em early. Have fun and remember to leave a generous plate of goodies for Santa. Ho Ho Ho!
I like some of the Christmas movies but I like The Grinch best! If you go to the poll vote for The Grinch!!!
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Nickname: weaviewonka
Age: 11
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