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Dragon Ball Card Game :: Review

Reviewed by on Sep 17, 2008
Rating: 4 Star Rating

The new Dragon Ball card game is here with Goku, Gohan, Piccolo and more powerful warriors! We review action here.

Z or GT, it's all about the Dragon Balls! The new Dragon Ball card game from Bandai takes all the famous anime warriors and puts them at your command in battles to destroy planets! You can have Frieza, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta and even the Androids at your side with this card game. Gary shuffled a few decks and here's his Dragon Ball card game review.

Breaking Planets 101

You play this game with a 40-card deck full of Warrior cards, Technique cards for special fighting moves, Events for other moves and Wish cards to let you activate the power of the Dragon Balls! To activate your strongest cards, you discard cards into your Chi pile and use them as points to pay for them. Each turn you play warriors, build them into teams and battle your opponent's teams. If you win battles, you get to damage their planet - first to 10 damage wins!

Goku FTW!

First off, being able to control Goku, Vegeta and more of the famous anime warriors is sweet. The biggest pile of awesome though is that with a few tweaks you can match Dragon Ball decks against Naruto decks! Yup, Goku vs. Gaara and Vegeta vs. Sasuke. Bring it!

Frieza is a Dork

No, really, he is. He should take a few days off, go get an ice cream cone and think about how to be less of a twit. The rules are a bit complicated so if you're new to card games you'll need to figure them out a bit. And, even though you can figure things out for a Dragon Ball vs. Naruto battle, there aren't any proper rules for it.

Super Saiyan Time?

If you like the Dragon Ball anime, or are getting excited about the upcoming live-action movie, this is a great way to get your hands on the famous warriors. Dragon Ball vs. Naruto sounds exciting too - as long as you can figure out the rules and make it work.

Thumbs Up:

  • Battle with the famous anime warriors!
  • Unleash the power of the Dragon Balls with Wish cards.
  • You win by destroying a planet. Ow!
  • Dragon Ball vs. Naruto battles!!!
  • Thumbs Down:

  • The rules are a bit tricky at first.
  • No official way to play Dragon Ball vs. Naruto yet!
  • Crumpled Pride, Stomping and Ranfan = misprinted.
  • Game Rating: 4

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