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Survivor Africa - Epi 2

Dec 27, 2006

Episode two gives us a little more insight into the tribe members, a little look at early alliances and a whole lotta blood. Samburu and Boran are both already out for blood - and they got it - literally.

Boran is obviously depressed. They lost the first immunity challenge. On top of that, everybody still has issues with Clarence and Jessie is barfing her brains out. She just can't get used to their icky water supply. Right from the beginning we know if they lose again - it's one of these two who'll get their torch extinguished.

Over at Samburu, they all seem healthy. They decide to build a roof for some shelter from the hot sun and they are all pretty cheerful. But sides are already established and alliances are being formed. The younger set (Silas, Lyndsey, Kim P. and Brandon) are all being blackballed by the older set (Carl, Frank, Linda and Teresa.) The old-Samburus know they need to steal the trust of one of the young-Samburus in order to be a dominant alliance. So they sweet-talk Silas at the watering hole. Unfortunately, Lindsey hears everything. Now Silas is pledging allegiance to both sides and who knows what he is really thinking. Why the heck did everyone pick Silas as the "it man", anyway?

The first challenge is a reward challenge for blankets, canned goods and other luxury items they didn't grab off the truck the first time. It is a team effort to build a bunch of steps up the top of a pedestal with big, heavy logs. Samburu wins because Kim J., of Boran, can't keep up with her tribe. It's despressing, but at least it's not an immunity challenge.

If you're a Survivor addict, you know there is always at least one challenge that involves food (gross things like bugs or something) and local traditions. This episode's immunity challenge involves both tradition and food... actually blood. As is the custom of the local African Masai Tribe, Boran and Samburu have to drink a mix of cow's blood (still warm from the vein) and milk. Each tribe member goes shot for shot against the other team. Surprisingly, no one throws up or bails out. The tie breaker involves Kelly from Boran and Linda from Samburu. They have to drink a pint glass of pure blood. Linda finishes first and Boran must head back to Tribal Council.

Boran decides to can Jessie. It's a smart move because she just isn't adapting and she's weak. However, how they get to that move makes Tom and Ethan appear kinda sketchy. First you see Tom trying to goad Ethan into booting Jessie - Ethan says "I'd rather vote Clarence off than one of the girls." Then, the next thing you know Tom is the one voting for Clarence, and Ethan is booting Jessie. Um.... okay... way to stick to your word guys.

Next week, according to previews, we're gonna get up-close and personal with some big kitties. And it looks like Linda lets her true nastiness fly when Lindsey gets hurt. I get a feeling Linda is a cross between Jerri and Susan Hawk - not a happy combination.

Check out CBS to find out the 411 on all the Africa Survivors.

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