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Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Sneak Peek

Dec 27, 2006

Beloved Sister, Devoted Friend

When we left Sunnydale last spring, the fashion-victim god, Glory, had Dawn (the Key) and was about to unleash a whole lotta yuck on the world. Summers blood needed to be shed - and Buffy volunteered hers by jumping to her death. So now that Buffy has died for the world - who is gonna save it next time? The Scooby Gang, of course! Here's our take on what's in store for the gang.

Wicked-good Witches

Willow is stepping out of Buffster's shadow (since there isn't one anymore) and she'll lead the gang in their first Buffyless battle. The evil this time is a bunch of demon bikers. Willow and Tara also move into the Summers' house, to keep an eye on the newly orphaned Dawn. Joss has also hinted that Tara and Willow will hit some bumpy patches in the road of love. "Obviously, a couple can't stay in perfect bliss forever, so we're going to shake things up," Joss warned Eonline. "Relationships that are happy-go-lucky get boring."

The Comic Crusader

Xander proposed to Anya right before the big Glory battle. Anya said yes - only if the world didn't end. It didn't, so it looks like Xander and his former demon are going to the chapel. We all know they are a great couple, but I have a feeling that Xander isn't at the marrying stage just yet. Whether they say, "I do" or not this season, the whole process is sure to produce some serious funnies.


With Buffy six feet under, what the heck is Giles "watching" anyway? Nuthin' - and he knows it. Giles packs it in and heads back to England. He will make the occasional visit back, but for the most part, Giles won't be around this season. His Magic Shop will be cuz Anya is taking over. (Uh-oh!)

The Kid Sis

Let's face it, whatever happens to Dawn this year could never suck as bad as last year, right? Last year she found out she is a "Key", then her mom dies, then she's kidnapped and then her sister dies. Well, this year is not going to be a piece of cake either.

First off, Dawn has to hang out with the Buffy-bot so that people don't realize she is orphaned. She's gonna have to grow up fast. Oh yeah, and rumor has it that Dawn gets a boyfriend - but he keeps leaving a trail of bodies everywhere he goes. Darn vampires!

Bloodsucker Heartbreak

If you didn't tear-up at the sight of Spike sobbing in the final scene last season - then you're stronger than me. Spike is not going to be his usual smart-mouth self this season, at least not in the beginning. James Marsters told Eonline, "The way the last season ended, Spike had completely failed in protecting both Buffy and her younger sister, so that's going to play out. Big time."


Buffy will be back. Judging from trailers on the official Buffy the Vampire Slayer site, it may be as soon as the two-hour season premiere. But will she be happy to be back? Maybe not. Think about it - the whole death thing is the first vacation the chick has had in six seasons. And with her mom gone, Spike lusting after her, and her true love (Angel) probably not doing crossovers this season - what's so appealing about the world? Well, hopefully she misses the Scooby Gang and her lil' sis cuz Sunnydale without Buffy would suck.

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