Sports was put on hold for a few days while people remembered the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Your favorite athletes used the time off to open up their veins and wallets.
The terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, DC led many sports leagues to postpone their games and tournaments for a few days. That didn't mean your favorite athletes were sitting around on the couch watching reruns all weekend. Many used the time off to open up their veins and wallets for the victims of the attacks.
The New York Giants spent Sunday (when they were scheduled to play at home against the Green Bay Packers) handing out water and food to rescue crews.
The Atlanta Falcons made plans to hold a flag football game on September 13th and give the ticket sales to New York City police officers and firefighters. 13 NHL teams gave money from ticket sales to the American Red Cross.
Keyshawn Johnson of the Tampa Bay Bucanneers donated the money he would've made playing football that week to the American Red Cross. "Money isn't that important, there are lives that are much more important," said Keyshawn, who makes over $30,000 US a week.
The NBA donated hundreds of blankets, sweatshirts and flashlights to rescuers. Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, donated $1 million dollars to the families of New York firefighters and police officers that were killed.
If you or your family would like to help out the victims of the attacks, click here.
Do you think all those sports event should've been cancelled? what you think.