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Celebrities and The Net

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Celebs themselves sometimes have problems with websites. Other stars use the net to promote a fave cause like a chairty - or themselves. Check out the latest web related news from Hollywood.

The internet is a great source for information. It has stuff on tons of people - famous and non - but it can be hard to figure out what is a trustworthy site and what is garbage. Celebs themselves sometimes have problems with Web sites. Other stars use the net to promote a fave cause like a charity - or themselves. Check out the latest Web related news from Hollywood.

1 Tom Cruise, Goldie Hawn and other celebrities are taking to the Web to promote an anti-gossip campaign. Cruise has had tons of rumors about him since he became famous and has not been afraid to sue tabloids over them. President Bush is also supporting the campaign. The Web site is

1Christian Kane, who is in the movie Summer Catch and on the TV show Angel, has had problems with his band Kane's official Web site. Recently the site got shut down and it was reported at, that he is no longer associated with that site.

1 Mariah Carey, who is about to make her acting debut in All That Glitters, has been using her official Web site to keep fans updated on her life. Mariah has suffered through lots of highly publicized personal problems lately and has been leaving voice messages on her site to let fans know wassup.

1 The talk queens, Rosie O'Donnell and Oprah Winfrey have promoted good causes on their shows - and on their Web sites. Rosie, who has adopted three kidz and has a foster kid, has a section dedicated to adoption and foster care. Oprah has her Angel Network which is all about good deeds. You can check out Oprah's Angel Network here or Rosie's adoption info here.

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