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The Real Deal on Zits (pg. 2)

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Those nasty zits you keep popping arent going to go away. Avoiding junk food isnt going to help. Dont wear a bag over your head - just see what Kidzworld has to say about acne.

If washing your face twice a day doesn't work, you might want to buy some zit cream to apply to that spot. Whatever you do, don't pop your zit because it may permanently scar your face.

Just Give it Time

There are several lotions you can use on your zits, although some of these can dry out the skin if you use them too often. Your dermatologist (skin doc) can prescribe you a gel, cream or lotion. Antibiotics can also be applied to the skin. In severe cases, there are pills and medications you can take. Treatments for your zits won't get rid of the existing ones. They simply prevent new ones from showing up - but this takes time. Give your acne solution six to eight weeks before you decide if it's doing the trick.

1 Don't pop zits because sometimes it will leave a mark on your skin. I'd recomend you use Clearasil products because they work great. I had acne and Clearasil products worked.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: brima
Age: 11

1 One time I had a couple of zits on my face and I was really bored (I do stupid stuff when I'm bored.) I decided to play connect the dots. I made a triangle on my face!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Zealish
Age: 14

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