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Crash Bandicoot: Mind over Mutant :: Game Preview

May 02, 2008

Crash Bandicoot, the spinning orange gaming icon, is coming out with a new game! Crash Bandicoot: Mind over Mutant arrives in October for the DS, PSP, PS2, Xbox 360 and Wii. The dreaded Neo Cortex is back with N. Brio at his side and they're going to take over the world with text-messaging! It's up to Crash to save the day, with a little help from his sis Coco this time that is. Here's the scoop on the game, including how you can be part of it!

Crash is Back!

The bandicoot is back and we have the teaser trailer to prove it. Click the link below to download the awesome video and check it out!
  • Crash Bandicoot: Mind over Mutant – Teaser Video - .mov file (24MB)
  • Become Part of the Game! - It's all Over!

    This contest is now closed and we can't take any more entries. A huge thank-you to all the people who sent in their awesome artwork!

    Contest Rules & Regulations

    The legal details of the contest can be found here.
  • [kwlink]Crash Bandicoot Contest Rules & Regulations[/kwlink]
  • Mwa-ha-ha! Fear the Unlimited Power of a Bandicoot!

    Well, ok, maybe not. But, Crash and Coco have some sweet new moves. Not only can they run, jump, spin and clobber bad guys, they can also...
  • Jack Mutants - Stun a monster and you can Jack it, letting you ride the fierce beast around like a cowboy and use its abilities to whomp the baddies.
  • Pocket Mutant - Thanks to a massive pair of pants, Crash can store his Jacked mutants in his pocket, boosting their powers and unleashing them when he needs them. [kwlink]Pikachu[/kwlink] is SO jealous.
  • Coco! - Crash's sis is here! She can join the fun in cooperative multiplayer and has a "treasure hunt" ability to help locate items.
  • Dig it! - Real bandicoots dig and now so can you! Not to China though, just deep enough to find bonus items.
  • Climbing - Now you can climb walls, even jumping sidways to dodge deadly traps and get to new areas.
  • Roll-and Counter Combat - New combat moves let you dodge and "Counter" enemy attacks for extra damage.
  • Free-Romping - With all of Wumpa Island in the game, you can explore the entire place. And, with the right Jacked mutant, more options become available.
  • Wii Pictures!

    Take a look at the game with these preview pictures.

    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!

    More Pictures!

    Crash = awesome? Click these pics to see the dude in action and decide for yourself!

    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!

    Even MORE Pictures

    Eyes sore yet? Click away for some awesome game images!

    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!

    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!

    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!
    Crash Bandicoot is back with his sister Coco and they're battling Neo Cortex's latest plan to use text messaging to take over the world!

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