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Speed Racer :: Game Preview

Apr 18, 2008

The Speed Racer movie is bringing the crazy world of intense stunt racing to life with insane rollercoaster race tracks, big stars and an incredible adventure. Not only does the movie sound sweet, you can buckle up and take a slice of the action home with the Speed Racer video game for Nintendo DS and Wii! It's going to be a high-speed dose of awesome, and we have the 411 right now with video previews plus exclusive pics of the cars and tracks. Check it out before it hits stores on May sixth!

Screaming Video

The Speed Racer trailer is here and you can download the video! Just click the one you want to watch and sit back as it dazzles your eyeballs.
  • Speed Racer - Trailer Video - .mov file (30MB)
  • Speed Racer - Trailer Video - .wmv file (86MB)
  • The Cars

    The coolest thing in Speed Racer is, of course, the cars! There are 20 different machines for you to play with and we have exclusive preview pictures of them - starting with Trixie's T180. This stylin' pink machine was custom designed by the folks behind the movie to appear in the video game. Check it out and click for a bigger picture!

    Trixie, played by Christina Ricci, drives this special T180 car.

    X Marks the Racer

    We have another exclusive preview of one of the 20 cars from the upcoming [kwlink]Speed Racer[/kwlink] game that's coming to Nintendo DS and Wii on May sixth. Last week we showed of Trixie's custom-built T180, this time it's Racer X's stylin ride! Here it is, click it for the full-size picture.

    Racer X hits the race tracks in the Speed Racer movie on May sixth!

    Fear the Snake

    We have another exclusive preview of one of the 20 cars from the upcoming [kwlink]Speed Racer[/kwlink] game that's coming to Nintendo DS and Wii May 6, 2008. Last week we showed off Racer X's sweet ride, now take a look at Snake Oiler and his lean machine. Here it is, click it for the full-size picture.

    Snake Oiler comes to life in the Speed Racer movie May 6, 2008

    Fast Facts

    Not only does the Speed Racer game come loaded with 20 cars, there are five worlds full of insane tracks to compete on as you scream around at 350 MPH doing leaps, slams, jumps and even boosting up to 500 MPH. You can even form alliances with other racers to boost your chances of victory!

    Loopy Tracks

    Check out these crazy race tracks and click them for an up-close look!

    Play the Speed Racer game, based on the upcoming Speed Racer movie!
    Play the Speed Racer game, based on the upcoming Speed Racer movie!
    Play the Speed Racer game, based on the upcoming Speed Racer movie!

    The Action

    Here are screenshots of Speed Racer in action on the [kwlink]Nintendo Wii[/kwlink]. Click 'em to see the full-size image.

    Play the Speed Racer game, based on the upcoming Speed Racer movie!
    Play the Speed Racer game, based on the upcoming Speed Racer movie!
    Play the Speed Racer game, based on the upcoming Speed Racer movie!
    Play the Speed Racer game, based on the upcoming Speed Racer movie!

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