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Simon's Blog :: April 8, 2008

Apr 08, 2008

April 8, 2008

Is it just me, or has it been raining consistently for about eight months now? It's really hard to get up in the morning when all you can hear is the drone of rain against your window. Isn't it supposed to be spring?

I've guess I've been feeling a little overwhelmed lately and the weather isn't helping. Things seem to be going well with Emily, but I'm so nervous about screwing things up that I even feel stressed out about that. Aren't relationships supposed to be easy? Maybe this isn't a good sign.

It really doesn't help that I have a big history test looming and my notes are so disorganized. Before I can even start studying, I have to wade through heaps of paper - some of which are seriously under my bed. Why do I let this happen over and over again? Ah! I totally frustrate myself sometimes.

Do you guys just get totally overwhelmed with life sometimes? Like when nothing crazy is happening, but all the little things just get to you? and let me know how you deal. And while you're at it, I could use some study tips!


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