Tyra Banks is back with the 10th cycle of America's Next Top Model. Kidzworld takes a look at who could take home the top prize.
On the season premiere of ANTM, the ladies went to modeling prep school and 14 contestants graduated with top honors. The girls are keeping it real in New York this year, with fashion shows in Times Square, and we promise to keep you posted through the make-overs, runway stumbles, and girl fights until someone wins that contract with Elite Models and is the new face of Covergirl! Make sure you don't miss an episode on the CW every Wednesday at 8/7c.

Hometown: Spanway, WA
Occupation: Hostess
Pro: Aimee is the classic photogenic gal who could do just enough each week to stay out of the bottom two and sail into the top three.
Con: She has already taken some great photos, but the judges can barely believe it's her! She'll have to step it up in person to take the crown.

Age: 19
Hometown: Honolulu, HI
Occupation: Retail Sales
Pro: Anya's bone structure is exactly what the modeling world looks for.
Con: I'm sorry, but her Hawaiian accent is pretty rough on the ears. It's hard to imagine her rocking out a Covergirl commercial.

Age: 24
Hometown: New York, NY
Occupation: Production Coordinator
Pro: Claire is on her home turf in NYC, and she's already shown herself to be the most mature contestant in the bunch.
Con: With maturity come the questions of whether or not she's too old to start a modeling career.

Age: 22
Hometown: Boston, MA
Occupation: Student
Pro: An exotic looking beauty always seems to make it to the top three, so it's a good bet that Fatima will stick around for a while.
Con: She's playing the role of 'mean girl' this year and that extra drama could cost her in the long run.

Age: 22
Hometown: Roslyn, NY
Occupation: Finance
Pro: Katarzyna looks like she's been created in a Top Secret, Top Model laboratory with the sole purpose of winning it all.
Con:Tyra can't pronounce her name right, but if she makes it through make-over day without a Mohawk, she's in it to win it.
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