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Simon's Blog :: February 26, 2008

Feb 25, 2008

February 26, 2008

It's funny how time moves. A math class can seem to go on for weeks, but then spring break just appears out of nowhere. Wasn't Christmas, like, yesterday?

Emily is back from her vacation and we've been hanging out again. Ugh, there's really nothing more to say about that situation. Something has to happen eventually, right? We have a whole week off next week, so maybe something will happen then. My life is just one maybe after another...

Ben's parents are going away over spring break and leaving his older sister in charge, so I plan to spend a lot of time hanging out over there, soaking up the parent-free atmosphere. I hope my mom doesn't foil those plans. She seems to think that spring break is really called "spring study week." Go figure.

So what are you up to for spring break? I guess different schools have it at different times, right? When are you off? and let me know what you're up to!


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