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Spiderwick, WoW, BOOM BLOX, Yu-Gi-Oh! Win a Wii!

Feb 11, 2008

It's Monday so hopefully you're having fun at school. Either way, check out this [kwlink]gaming news[/kwlink] for a dose of awesome! Not only are we giving you a chance to win one of two [kwlink]Nintendo Wii[/kwlink] game systems, we also have another [kwlink]Spiderwick[/kwlink] puzzle, the 411 on Yu-Gi-Oh! championship prizes, [kwlink]World of Warcraft[/kwlink] miniatures and a bizarre team-up from EA and Steven Spielberg. It's all out here, plus the list of all the new games that drop this week for every game system from [kwlink]Nintendo DS[/kwlink] to [kwlink]Xbox 360[/kwlink], [kwlink]Wii[/kwlink], [kwlink]PS3[/kwlink], [kwlink]PSP[/kwlink] and even for your PC!

Wii Want You to Be a Winner!

And we're making it easy. Here are both ways you could score your very own incredibly awesome Nintendo Wii.
  • Be a Kidzworld member - Membership is free and it may earn you a Wii!
  • Invite a heap of friends to Kidzworld - Get the most [kwlink]friends[/kwlink] to sign up for Kidzworld accounts and you'll win a Wii!

  • Now, cross your fingers and check out our Wii Sweepstakes!

    Win Big With Yu-Gi-Oh!

    Got dueling skills? If you're a [kwlink]Yu-Gi-Oh! card game[/kwlink] master, you could score big at Shonen Jump's 50th Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Championship Tournament. It all goes down on March 8-9 at the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center in Costa Meca, California. The prizes are the super-rare Gold Sarcophagus, Crush Card Virus, Shrink, Des Volstgalph and [kwlink]Cyber-Stein[/kwlink]. The grand prize winner gets all five, plus a sweet trophy, while the next three winners get one yugioh card each.

    A Faerie Riddle

    The [kwlink]Spiderwick Chronicles[/kwlink] video game is on the way and it's bringing a pack of monsters and mayhem with it. Get the facts straight from Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide by reading this riddle and figuring out which [kwlink]monster[/kwlink] it's talking about. If you guess right, not only will you be better prepared to defend yourself, you'll get an exclusive preview of the upcoming game.
    Gruesome and nasty, these awful critters travel in bands and live in dank places - even ditches! Born without teeth these scavengers make do with scraps of sharp stuff like glass, rocks or even teeth from other animals. Anything but iron! What are these creatures? Pick your answer from the list below and click the "That's it!" button to see if you're right.
    Which creature is it?... That's it!

    Miniature Wow Time

    There's a new way to explore the [kwlink]World of Warcraft[/kwlink] on the way with the upcoming WoW Miniatures game. It lets you grab awesome-looking warriors from the fantasy world and have head-to-head battles with your [kwlink]friends[/kwlink], or against the black dragon [kwlink]Onyxia![/kwlink] It's due in fall '08 and we'll have more info soon.

    Crash! Bang! Boom! Wii!

    Legendary director Steven Spielberg has teamed up with the gigantic [kwlink]Electronic Arts[/kwlink] to make BOOM BLOX - a game about exploding blocks for the Wii. It's a wacky puzzle game where you use the motion-sensitive [kwlink]Wiimote[/kwlink] to grab, throw and explode your way through levels. It's coming in May, but check out this video and these pictures while you wait!
  • BOOM BLOX Trailer Video - .mov file (109MB)
  • BOOM BLOX Trailer Video - .wmv file (61MB)
  • Steven Spielberg and EA team up to create BOOM BLOX for Nintendo Wii.
    Steven Spielberg and EA team up to create BOOM BLOX for Nintendo Wii.
    Steven Spielberg and EA team up to create BOOM BLOX for Nintendo Wii.
    Steven Spielberg and EA team up to create BOOM BLOX for Nintendo Wii.
    Steven Spielberg and EA team up to create BOOM BLOX for Nintendo Wii.
    Steven Spielberg and EA team up to create BOOM BLOX for Nintendo Wii.
    Steven Spielberg and EA team up to create BOOM BLOX for Nintendo Wii.
    Steven Spielberg and EA team up to create BOOM BLOX for Nintendo Wii.

    What Video Games Are Dropping This Week?

  • Feb. 12 - Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts for DS.
  • Feb. 12 - Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon for PS2.
  • Feb. 12 - London Taxi: Rush Hour for Wii.
  • Feb. 12 - Lost Odyssey for Xbox 360.
  • Feb. 12 - WipEout Pulse for PSP.
  • Related Stories:

  • [kwlink]Spiderwick Video, New DS Color and Maplestory Exclusive![/kwlink]
  • [kwlink]The Spiderwick Chronicles :: Video Game Preview[/kwlink]
  • [kwlink]World of Warcraft Card Game: March of the Legion Review[/kwlink]
  • [kwlink]Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game: Rise of the Dragon Lords Deck Review[/kwlink]
  • Get More Game News Here!
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