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Cats and Dogs Movie Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Things arent as they look to the human eye. Cats are preparing to take over the world so undercover dogs are sent in. The wrong dog is picked and now its up to a puppy to save them.

Things are not as they seem between our furry friends in Cats and Dogs. Cats are trying to take over the world. If you love animals you'll enjoy this movie. If you love dogs you'll laugh more cuz some of the fur balls get their hairy hinds kicked.

Professor Brody (Jeff Goldblum) is your average scientist. He has a loving wife and an understanding teenage son. The doc is allergic to dogs so he's working in his basement for a solution to dog allergies. Mr. Tinkles, the leader of cats, sends in his best cats to steal the formula and take over the world (evil laugh.)

The dogs, who have the latest technology, send in an undercover agent to protect the formula. Except a puppy is chosen by the professor's wife instead of the agent. It's now up to Lou to keep the cats away. In true Mission Impossible style (including the music) the cats and dogs go to war. Flying Ninja cats parachute into town and invade the home. When that fails, The Russian is sent in - a cute and cuddly looking kitten. But there's nothing cute about this cat. He comes fully armed with every weapon of choice. He's defeated so the cats kidnap the professor and his family and demand the formula for dog allergies. When dog headquarters refuses to give up the formula (sacrificing the Brodys) Lou has to save his family.

There's plenty of action in this movie, and I'm not just talking tale wagging or cat scrapping. The Russian pulls a few Matrix moves off, there's ticking bombs, western style face-offs and some hairy moments like almost getting busted for having secret meetings. The facial expressions on every dog and cat look realistic and talking pets seem normal. There are a few moments you can tell Lou is a puppet but you'll probably only notice it cuz I mentioned it. Otherwise Cats and Dogs is a great laugh that'll have you looking at your pets in a different way.


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