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Dear Dish-It, I Asked Him Out and He Said No

Jan 07, 2008

Dear Dish-It,

I asked this guy out who is really hot, but he said no. Then I asked him what was wrong with me and he said nothing was wrong with me. He doesn't even have a girlfriend. What should I do? You're the only one who can help me.

Dear meme2002,

Just because a guy (or girl) is single doesn't mean he's sitting around waiting to go out with the first person who asks him. This guy you're crushing on is probably perfectly happy being single right now and just doesn't want to be in a relationship. Don't be hard on yourself or beat yourself up over this cuz it's really not about you. He's just a guy who prefers to be on his own. So give him space and hang out as friends. If he ever wants a girlfriend, he'll know where to look. And who knows, you could even end up finding yourself another hottie to crush on who won't be able to resist your confident and assertive ways!

Good advice, but everybody gets rejected sometimes. It's a part of life.
Username: Anonymous

Look, if he said no, that just means he doesn't like you. No biggie. He probably has his eye on someone else. Look for someone else.
Username: Anonymous

You should get to know each other. Then he will see how great you are!
Username: Anonymous

I say just keep trying or just move on.
Username: Anonymous

You should talk to him.
Username: Anonymous

I wish I could help, sorry. I'm going through the same thing though, so don't feel bad.
Username: Anonymous

Just move on. I'm single for the first time in a long time and trying to enjoy it. Maybe he is too. Maybe he also just looks at you as a friend, nothing else. Just go find another hottie lol =)
Username: Anonymous

Girl, don't worry. I asked a guy out and he said no too. But guess what? An hour later, another cute and sexy guy asked me out. Lucky thing Cory said no.
Username: Anonymous

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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