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Shockwave Games :: Free PC Game Demos

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Check out the games at Shockwave! Their latest pack includes the Kung-Fu Action of DJ FU, the adventures of Tamale Loco, a slapshot of Hockey, classic Tetris and more. Catch the 411 inside. is all about the latest and greatest that Flash can offer. Their latest bundle of joy is packed full of action and peanut butter. Here's a list of their latest games:

DJ Fu is one crazy guy. He's a skateboardin', tune mixin', DJ slickster with a dash of Kung-Fu master to keep him on his feet. Help the Fu-man keep the beat til' he hits the top of the charts with DJ Fu Wax Attack.

It's up to you to guide the DJ master and his precious vinyl past Sketchy characters and Elvis impersonators. Jump, dodge, kung-fu kick and toss throwing stars to score some hardcore vinyl. Get ready to scratch up a storm with DJ Fu's latest gig.
Rating: 5

Thumbs Up:

  • You can kick Elvis' butt.

  • Thumbs Down:

  • Getting stuck on sliding rails sucks.

  • Tamale Loco
    Tamale's one hyper Mexican muchacho. He's after the only thing hotter than he is - Papa Mucho's daughter Esmerelda. Tamale's gotta bring her daddy mucho burritos loaded with everything from cheese & tomatoes to pickles & peanut butter if he wants a date.

    But Tamale has a problem. The Big K doesn't want anybody nosing around his turf. Tamale better watch out, the Big K's goons are everywhere. Help keep Tamale out of trouble with flying leaps, mighty kicks, the Chips of Death and an explosive dose of T-N-T.


    Thumbs Up:

  • Great recipies: peanut butter on a burrito. Why didn't I think of that?

  • Thumbs Down:

  • It takes serious computer power to play or else it slows right down.

  • Blix
    Simple? Yup, it's simple. Addictive? You
    better believe it. One game and you'll never be the same. Fire up Blix and place blocks to bounce the pellets into a cup. Hurry up before the time runs out. Every couple of levels you get a password you can use to jump right back into the 300 levels of Blix.


    Thumbs Up:

  • Passwords let you save your game.

  • Thumbs Down:

  • Boring graphics.

  • Pick up these games and more at the download center. Don't forget to check out the demo's first to try out the games.

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