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Simon's Blog :: December 18, 2007

Reviewed by on Dec 18, 2007
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Simon blogs about winter vacation, Christmas, and his crush in his free teen online journal.

December 18, 2007

Alice Cooper really should have written a song about winter vacation too because, due to a lack of appropriate songs, I have had School's Out for Summer stuck in my head for nearly a week. Not exactly seasonably appropriate.

Think about it: there are a zillion Christmas carols and a handful of Hanukkah ones, but how many songs are there about the two-week break from school? I think it's something worth singing about. Maybe I can write it myself. Sindy could help, because she's a pretty good guitar player (whereas my only skills are at Guitar Hero and I don't think that counts).

Other than pondering deep philosophical questions like the one above, I've just been snowboarding a little and hanging out at Ben's place. Oh, and I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet. I'm always a last minute shopper, which isn't really fun, but beats dragging out Christmas shopping for weeks on end. I'm just going to decide beforehand what to buy everyone and then get it all in one go.

I still haven't decided whether to buy anything for Emily. I don't really buy presents for my friends, so it will kind of make it obvious that I like her. But maybe that's a good thing. What do you think I should do? and let me know!


1You can get her some M&Ms or Skittles or something small like that. It's a friendly gesture and not to over-the-top, but it'll have her thinking about you over the break. Good luck!
Username: Anonymous

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