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Star Wars Miniatures: AT-AT Imperial Walker Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

We review the colossal AT-AT Imperial Walker figure for the Star Wars Miniatures game!

The Star Wars Miniatures game lets you take command of squads of heroes and villains from the [kwlink]Star Wars movies[/kwlink] and battle against your friends' squads! The AT-AT Imperial Walker is the biggest miniature ever created for the game. It's 72 times bigger than most troops and almost ten times the size of even the huge Hailfire Droid from the Universe Huge expansion. This "miniature" is a full foot long, six inches wide and a foot tall! It has a near-indestructible 300 Hit Points and can unleash 60 damage per blast when it attacks! If that's not enough, it can also flatten other figures into peanut butter by stomping them flat! The problem is, it costs 200 points to use in a game, can't turn or move back, and can only blast things in front of it. It's also $50 US to buy one!

AT-AT - Thumbs Up

  • 300 HP + Damage Reduction 20 = nearly indestructible.
  • Its blasters can blow the enemy into tiny bits!
  • You can stomp enemy miniatures into jam.
  • It looks awesome.
  • AT-AT - Thumbs Down

  • You can't use it in regular games.
  • It can't turn, or go backwards, and it only fires forwards!
  • It's easy to beat.
  • It costs $$$ to get one
  • AT-AT Imperial Walker Rating:

    Age:12 and up
    Price Range: 4

    Price Range Legend
    $0-$15 =1
    $16-$30 =2
    $31-$45 =3
    $46-$60 =4
    $60+ = 5

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