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Star Wars Miniatures: Revenge of the Sith Final Sneak Peek!

Dec 27, 2006

If you dig Star Wars, we have a scoop for you! The Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith [kwlink]movie[/kwlink] drops in May, 2005 but the [kwlink]Star Wars Miniatures: Revenge of the Sith[/kwlink] expansion set, which is full of spoiler info about the movie, drops on April 2, 2005 and we have a [kwlink]sneak peek[/kwlink] preview of six of the figs right here. Just click the pictures for bigger images!

Star Wars Miniatures: Revenge of the Sith Sneak Peek Images

This fig of a Royal Guard is a sneak peek from the Star Wars Miniatures Revenge of the Sith expansion set, based on the Star Wars Episode III movie! This fig of a Medical Droid is a sneak peek from the Star Wars Miniatures Revenge of the Sith expansion set, based on the Star Wars Episode III movie! This fig of a Senate Guard is a sneak peek from the Star Wars Miniatures Revenge of the Sith expansion set, based on the Star Wars Episode III movie!
This fig of Wat Tambor is a sneak peek from the Star Wars Miniatures Revenge of the Sith expansion set, based on the Star Wars Episode III movie! This fig of a Seperatist Commando is a sneak peek from the Star Wars Miniatures Revenge of the Sith expansion set, based on the Star Wars Episode III movie! This fig of a Chagrian Mercenary Commander is a sneak peek from the Star Wars Miniatures Revenge of the Sith expansion set, based on the Star Wars Episode III movie!

Star Wars Miniatures: More Info?

Want more info on these figs - like their abilities, rarities and costs? Email and let him know which fig you want the 411 on!

More Star Wars Miniatures: Revenge of the Sith Previews

We have the rest of our Revenge of the Sith set previews at these links, check 'em out!
  • [kwlink]Revenge of the Sith Preview: Grievous's Wheel Bike[/kwlink]
  • [kwlink]Revenge of the Sith Preview: Yoda, Jedi Master[/kwlink]
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