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Treat Your Cold or Flu at Home!

Feb 01, 2017

It's cold and flu season again, but that doesn't mean you have to walk around with a seriously stuffy head, a throat that's on fire or a temperature that's through the roof. You can treat your cold or flu with things you can find around your house and you'll be feeling 100% faster than you can blow that runny nose of yours!

Cold and Flu Prevention

While getting a cold or the flu each year seems inevitable, there are some things you can do to help prevent yourself from getting sick. Whether it's eating those green vegetables your mom is always nagging you about or drinking a little more orange juice, the biggest key to keeping away the flu bug is keeping up your vitamin and nutrient intake. Now, if you're in that very beginning stage where you feel a cold coming on but it hasn't fully hit you yet, take some Echinacea. You can find it in pill or liquid form and it's supposed to ward off that pesky cold before it has a chance to take hold of your immune system. Zinc is also something that you should take when feeling the sniffles. It plays an important role in building a healthy immune system, so if you're feeling ill, grab a zinc lozenge or even a cup of green tea (it has zinc in it)! Oh, and don't forget to wash your hands all the time! Those nasty germs won't be able to find their way into your bod if you keep washing them away.

Green tea is full of antioxidantsGreen tea is full of antioxidants

Who Should Get the Flu Shot?

The flu shot is usually recommended for the elderly and the really young, because they are the most at risk of getting hit hard by the flu. But that doesn't mean they're the only ones who should consider getting one. Anyone who has chronic heart or lung problems (like asthma), a metabolic disease (like diabetes), or a weakened immune system should get a flu shot each year. If you think you should get a flu shot, just check with your doctor first to make sure it's okay. Some peeps can have a severe allergic reaction to the shot and that's not something you want to happen!

A flu shot could help prevent you from getting the fluA flu shot could help prevent you from getting the flu

Treating Your Cold or Flu

Once your cold or flu is full blown, there's no turning back. You just have to hunker down and make the best of a bad situation. Despite how horrible you are probably going to feel, there are things that will make you feel a little more human, like these home cold and flu remedies.

  • Get lots of rest. The more sleep you get, the faster your body will be able to fight the cold.
  • Drink lots of fluids. Whether it's water, orange juice or some honey-lemon tea, your body needs all the nourishment it can get while you're sick.
  • Take a hot bath or shower - steam acts as a great decongestant if you're feeling really stuffy. For your bath, toss in some peppermint tea bags for an extra soothing experience.
  • Things like garlic, ginger, clear soups (chicken noodle, miso, etc.) and spicy foods can help you on your road to recovery.
  • Rub a little Vic's Vaporub on your back before heading to bed and you should breathe a little easier.

Honey-lemon tea with help soothe your bodyHoney-lemon tea with help soothe your body
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