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Dear Dish-It, My Dad's Moving Out

Aug 26, 2014

Dear Dish-It,

I'm 14 and my parents told me tonight that they are separating. My mom gave my dad until the weekend to move out. I really need to talk to someone.

Dear havenskie,

Wow. I feel for ya, and I am sure lots of our members do too! There are, unfortunately, a lot of teens going through this exact problem. There are also a lot of teens who have made it through a divorce already. So, it may not be a comfort, but you aren't alone. Do you have any friends with divorced parents? Pick their brains on how they felt when it happened and what they feel now. Here are some sites that may help you out too.

Helpful Sites that Deal with Divorce

Also, don't be afraid to talk with your parents. If you have any questions or fears about all the stuff going down, tell them. You also need to remember that you didn't do anything to cause their split and you can't do anything to change their minds, either. Your 'rents still love ya the same as they did before.

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to Dish-It here. But 'member, if ya hang out in Chat with other Kidzworld members who know ya by your 'username', ya might wanna use a secret nickname when ya write in. That way no one'll ever know it's you. And, just in case ya don't know, Dish-It gets a lotta letters everyday, and she can't answer 'em all. So keep checkin' the column cuz she's prob'ly answerin' somethin' very similar to your question while you're out doin' somethin' else. K? And Thanks! Ya keep her outta trouble. Oh! And if ya've got words of wisdom you wanna share, We'll dish 'em up, too.

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