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Dear Dish-It, I'm Going to Be All Alone

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It,

I have two older brothers who mean the world to me. I mean, they taught me everything I know. Now Jayson, who's 18, is already planning to leave for university. He was planning on staying home to help dad with the family business but now he's leaving to some school to be a doctor or something like that! What do I do? My other brother is 17 and he'll be leaving in a year or so too. Then I'll be all alone. I need help!

Dear some1_you_don't_Know,

Even though growing up is generally pretty cool, there are certain things that aren't so fun to deal with. One of those things is having your siblings move out and go their separate ways. When you're the one being left behind, it's totally understandable that you would feel like your world is being turned upside down. But, instead of getting bummed about your brothers taking off to do their own thing, you've gotta look for the positives. You're not going to have to fight to get into the bathroom anymore, there will be no more games of remote control tug-of-war and you're guaranteed that the 'rents are going to give you a lot more freedom. Plus, think of the cool trips you can plan to go and visit your bros. You'll be able to master the art of letter writing, and maybe brush up on your photography skills so you can send pics to your brothers of all the cool things they're missing at home. Just hang in there and before you know it, you'll be the one shipping off to college and your brothers will be the ones sending you care packages!

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