Biology teacher - Boa Constrictor - Puppies - Dogs - Animal Rights - Classroom Pets.
Does your classroom have any pets? Would you have any problems watching a puppy being fed to a snake? That's not something every kid can handle but it didn't seem to stop one teacher.
A biology teacher in Kansas keeps two boa constrictors in his classroom. Sometimes he feeds them during class so students can see how they eat. He took it too far when he planned on feeding them three puppies. It doesn't make a difference that the puppies were unwanted. They had been donated by a school board member who operates a shelter where animals are put to sleep.
Matthew Parton, the teacher, certainly wasn't being sensitive when it came to his students. Some students can't handle watching snakes eat rats and mice. Watching an animal that's normally considered a pet be devoured by a snake is asking too much from students. If it's during class time, do the kids have the option of not watching the eating process? There's a campaign to have Matthew fired, which may be a little harsh. Matthew needs to keep away from pets and stick to his snake's normal diet.
Hey, my name is Alicia and I am a student in Kentucky. My class and I visited this Web site and clicked on "Puppies fed to boa constrictor," and I almost had a heart attack. First, that is absolutely pathetic for that kind of news to even be revealed over the internet. Those puppies were innocent and should not have been fed to anything when they are so helpless and harmless. A snake should be fed rats or something that it is actually supposed to be fed, not puppies that are supposed to have homes, families, and love just like any human would want or need. I think that that teacher should be sued and fired. What kind of school would want to have a reputation like that? What school would allow something this disturbing to go on?
If you all thought that this would be a good opportunity to role model something, you were totally wrong! I, as an animal lover, also find it very offensive to be surfing the 'net and find something on it like that. What if it were a little child that found this information? It would ruin their poor little minds. I don't care if that teacher/school said that the puppies were not wanted or not, because every living thing deserves a chance. There should definitely be something done.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: puppylover52
Age: 13
SAVE THE PUPPIES!!! I don't think the puppies should be fed to the snake. Snakes are dangerous, but a puppy is harmless. A puppy has little teeth and can't fight back like a grown dog. Another reason is that the teacher could have given the puppies away to a family. Another example is if the snake acts bad to the puppies, the
students might act bad to the other students. In short, the teacher shouldn't have fed the puppies to the snake.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: jose
Age: 10
I think that he shouldn't feed his snake puppies even if they were going to be put to sleep anyways. He definitely shouldn't have done that in front of class. He needs to be fired.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: gcroxmysox
Age: 12
I saw this and I was about to barf. Who would feed three puppies to two boa constrictors? That is so mean. I was about to cry when I read this you just can't feed three puppies to boa constrictors and act like you're not going to be fired! I felt so bad for the puppies. That is just ewwwwwwwww. He is like so much older then those kids. I mean wouldn't you think you could be a role model than just being stupid? Come on, he is like 20s, 40s, 50s and he does that in front of students? That is so dumb and cruel. Puppies are not a toy, they're for people who like them. There should be something done to this guy.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: Monkey_Queen_00
Age: 13
Personally, I think that we should consider the ethics of keeping snakes at all. Puppies and dogs naturally develop a bond with their owners and the same with cats, hamsters, mice and rats and most furry mammals. However, snakes truly are wild animals and it is a scientific fact that they do not have any kind of bond with their owners, neither do any reptiles. So, I therefore see it as cruel to keep a snake in the first place. I think it is as wrong to feed mice and rats to PET snakes as it is to feed dogs to them. Snakes have a very important roll to play in the world but not by being kept as pets. They should be left as wild animals because it is proven that no pet snake is happy: they have a natural wild instinct and WANT to stay in the wild.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: ticklish_tom
Age: 14
Leave Mr. Parton alone. So he shouldn't have fed his snake pets in front of his class, but the snakes are awesome pets too and have to be fed. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, but if they aren't wanted they can be good for something. I live where there are unwanted dogs coming out of our ears but no snakes around to take care of that unfortunately. Ok my rant is over. G'day.
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: elliebee
Age: 16
I think that this is disgusting. Keep snakes fed on what they're supposed to have in the wild. And why feed puppies to snakes or have them put down, when they could easily have been found loving homes. I think the person who did this cruel deed should definitely be sued and sacked - let alone have pets of their own. I feel sorry for the kids who had to see him do this, animal cruelty is not somthing to be brought up on. If I saw this happen, I'd have a hell of a lot to say, as I have a lot of respect for animals. And the people who gave the man the puppies should be ashamed of themselves!
Kidz Submit by:
Nickname: springy
Age: 16
What do you think? Should he be able to feed his boas the puppies in front of his students? Is it a waste of life to have them put down instead of feeding a snake? Take our poll or your opinion.