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The Best School Jobs

Jul 20, 2015

Working and volunteering in your school is one of the best ways to gain work experience and prepare you for "the real world." So here's the lowdown on some of the best school jobs around!

Student Council

Being a student council member is the most important job you can take on in school. It allows you to take action if you have a complaint about crappy cafeteria food or the lack of extracurricular activities. By helping to improve issues and make your school a better place, you'll get noticed - not just by your classmates and teachers, but also by future employers and colleges cuz it'll look great on your resume!

Library Duty

Helpin' out in the school library isn't a dream job just for the bookworms. It's great for everyone cuz you'll have books on hand when you need to do research on World War II for social studies class, or get some help figurin' out what the heck Shakespeare is talking about in Romeo and Juliet. But what makes this job so cool is that when you're not shelving books or telling the noisy kids to shush up, you can find a cozy corner of the library and read the last Harry Potter book that you weren't able to finish on your summer vacation.

Playground Monitor

Here's a totally cool job for some of the older kids in school. As a playground monitor, you have to keep your eye on everyone using the playground equipment, from the swings to the monkey bars, and make sure they're playin' safe. But once the bell rings and kids head back to class, you can probably sneak in a few minutes of extra play time for yourself every day!

Teacher's Pet

Being the teacher's pet takes a lot of work. You volunteer for class chores, even if it means sacrificing your lunch hour. You do your homework - and hand it in a day early. You ask to do extra credit assignments. You bring your teacher gifts, even when it's not his/her birthday or a holiday. Now it may not sound cool to be the teacher's most prized student, but your teacher will love you - and hey, that'll definitely help ya out in the report card department!

Now that you know what the best school jobs are, what about the worst school jobs? Check 'em out right here!

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