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Was the Moon Landing a Conspiracy?

Dec 27, 2006

There are millions of people who believe the US never put a man on the moon. Because the latest generation wasn't around to watch the landing on TV there are more people who think NASA has conspired against the world. I'm one of the many who didn't see the televised landing but I'm convinced man has been to the moon.

One of the many questions puzzling non-believers is why haven't we been to the Moon since 1972? It's not like we're in the movie Gattaca where they had yearly flights to Saturn. Should we have daily trips to the Moon? We now know lots about the Moon so we don't need to return. We should be exploring other planets where humans could live (We can't live on the Moon.)

People question why there aren't any stars in photos of astronauts on the Moon. They can ask themselves the same thing after taking a picture under a street light at night. No stars will appear in that picture either because the camera is set to expose the lighted area (the person standing under light) and not the weaker light source. The stars were too dim to pick up. It's not like in the movies.

We all know the Moon has no atmosphere so the US flag shouldn't flap in the wind yet people claim that it did. We could always blame the movement on vacuums, but the more obvious should be pointed out. The flag only waved when an astronaut was holding onto the pole the flag was on. There were metal rods in the flag so it didn't just hang there but it did move when the pole was handled.

Here's something else non-believers want us to consider. In 1961, President John F Kennedy promised to put a man on the Moon within 10 years. The US also wanted to outdo the Soviet Union. They were having a little head butting battle at the time called the Cold War. So in order to keep JFK's promise, the US spent $25 billion, made sure thousands of employees could keep a secret and faked a Moon landing. Seem a little far fetched? That's cuz it is.

What did the US gain from landing on the Moon? Absolutely nothing. They aren't the only ones with the technology to land on the Moon so it's nothing to brag about. Faking a landing on the moon would have only been a hassle. Next we'll be arguing about whether the Earth is flat or not.

Are you a believer or was that "small step for mankind" a big fake-out?

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