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Bring Me the Head of Oliver Plunkett Book Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

We review the adventures of Eddie and the Gang With No Name in the Bring me the Head of Oliver Plunkett novel from Colin Bateman.

Title: Bring Me the Head of Oliver Plunkett
Author: Colin Bateman
Ages: 13+
Rating: 4

Eddie's one-kid gang, and his friend Mo, are doing their regular thing of hiding from the deadly Reservoir Pups gang when something freaky happens. An orphan named Pat shows up and he's on a mission from God to find the missing head of Saint Oliver Plunkett. And nobody - not the Reservoir Pups, not vicious gangsters, not even Eddie's mom - is going to stop him! We review the mayhem in Colin Bateman's second Eddie & the Gang With No Name novel.

Taking on the World

Think your life sucks? Meet Eddie. His dad bailed, his Mom hides the candy and he's surrounded by gangs that want to beat him silly. His only friend is Mo, the albino leader of the one-girl "Andytown Albinos" gang who's dad is just out of jail. He's joined by Pat, an orphan on the run, and it's up to them to find the missing head of Saint Oliver Plunkett - with a little help from a guy who likes to blow things up.

Saving the Day

If you're in the mood for an "Us vs. Everyone" story with Eddie and his friends on the run as they try to save the day, this is the story for you! Eddie has to outsmart his mom, her icky boyfriend, teachers, and the scariest man in England in order to save the day. If that's not enough, he also has to try to be a gang leader, which isn't easy for someone who blushes at the drop of a hat!

Getting Knocked Around

The worst part about Eddie's adventures is that Eddie and his friends basically spend the first half of the book getting beaten up and abused. It's like the whole world exists just to shove him into a mud puddle and steal his lunch money!

The Bottom Line

After getting knocked around for half of the book, it's fun to read about Eddie and his gang saving the day at last. It makes the story fun to read, even if it's still a bit depressing.

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