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Athlete Autographs

Dec 18, 2018

So what's the deal with big-time sports stars who won't sign autographs? Have you ever hung around the stadium after a game or practice waiting for your favorite sports star to sign your basketball or hockey card? It seems that too often these superstar millionaires will just blow right by you in their fancy new car or look away and say they're too busy.

Too busy? Hello out there! If you're getting paid millions of bucks a year to slam a ball or shoot a hockey puck - then I'm pretty sure you can take a few seconds to sign your flippin' name. After all if we weren't buying jerseys and sneakers and watching your game on the Tube, then you pro athletes would probably be serving me up burgers or cutting the lawn for my Dad. It's not like we expect you to come over after the game and play video games and watch movies. Just take the time to sign our stuff.

Lots of players are pretty good about writing their name or getting a picture taken with fans. When Michael Jordan was in the NBA he once signed autographs at a shopping mall for more than 2 hours. Now that's pretty cool. Wouldn't it be great if all athletes were like that? But some stars, like Albert Belle of the Baltimore Orioles usually won't give out an autograph unless it's at a card show where he gets paid. I guess the zillions and zillions of dollars he already gets paid isn't enough. Athletes need their privacy, for sure, but when you're getting paid big bucks to do every kid's dream job don't just blow your fans off. Pick up the pen and sign on the dotted line.

Have you ever tried to get a player's autograph? Were they cool about it or did they snub you? about your autograph hunting exploits!

Kidz Submit:
Nickname: GroovyChica
Age: 14

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