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Moose's Mighty Beanz Collectible Toys!

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Kidzworld has the scoop on the fun new, collectible, Mooses Mighty Beanz toy that lets you play fun games at lunch and recess!

Got Beanz? The collectible Mighty Beanz are a cool toy that's taking off and taking over lunchtime at a school near you. They're collectible, tradeable jumping bean toys that are perfect for playing all kinds of weird games. Plus, you can stick a handful in your pocket and play anywhere!

Moose's Mighty Beanz Collectible Toys!Moose's Mighty Beanz Collectible Toys!

Mighty Beanz Basics

They're basically plastic beans about the size of the end of your thumb and they have a ball bearing inside 'em that shifts around when you toss 'em. Mighty Beanz are painted up and decorated like cartoon characters and even have funky names. You can collect Mighty Beanz and play games with 'em where you try to win more Beanz from your friends.

Mighty Beanz Hot Stuff

What makes the Mighty Beanz really rock is that they look like cool characters. You can collect Mighty Beanz monsters, aliens, athletes and now your fave Marvel heroes like the X-Men, Wolverine, Spider-Man and more!

Mighty Beanz Stinkers

Collectors will need to get a second set of Mighty Beanz - one to collect and one to play with because if you play with 'em, you're gonna get the character art all scuffed up. Also, watch out around really small kids and pets - Mighty Beanz are bite-size and it would suck if they were munched on.

Mighty Beanz - Gary's Fave Bean Game

There are a bunch of Mighty Beanz games on their Web site, but check out Gary's fave! You and your opponent grab the same number of Mighty Beanz. You sit opposite each other at a table and line up your beans along your edge like a row of warriors. Then you take turns flicking your Mighty Beanz at each other to knock over as many Mighty Beanz as you can. The first player to run out of bean warriors loses!

Mighty Beanz Age Rating: Everyone.

Mighty Beanz Thumbs Up:

  • You can collect superhero Mighty Beanz!
  • Harder than heck to break.
  • Cooler than baked beans.
  • You can play different games with them.

Mighty Beanz Thumbs Down:

  • Playing with 'em will scuff 'em up.
  • They don't taste as good as baked beans.

Mighty Beanz Toy Rating: 4

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