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Brain Teasing Games From Klutz

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Looking for a new way to fight off the rainy day blues this winter? Check out these cool brain-building books from Kluz - Battery Science and The Best Card Games In The Galaxy.

Do you have brain cells to spare and you're looking for a way to show them off. Look no farther! Whether you want to be a high rolling card shark or a down-to-business brainiac, Klutz has the books for you!

Be the coolest card shark on your block.
The Best Card Games

The Best Card Games In The Galaxy By Klutz

This handy book will keep you one step ahead of your friends in every card game. Not only does the book teach you how to play (and win!) 22 of the coolest card games around, it also teaches you a couple of card tricks and it has plans for building a house of cards. The coolest thing about The Best Card Games In The Galaxy, besides the deck of cards that comes with the book, is that the instructions for the games and tricks are totally easy to follow. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the plans for the house of cards, which has baffling diagrams and confusing directions. Also, it would have been cool if the book included a few tips on fancy shuffling techniques for all the actual klutzes out there.

Rating: 3

Make your own gadgets and gizmos with Battery Science from Klutz.
Battery Science

Battery Science By Klutz

Want to get down with your inner Einstein? Check out Battery Science, a cool electronics kit that contains the basic gear you'll need to complete tons of dope electronics projects. When you complete the robot bug or the bedroom burglar alarm you'll prove once-and-for-all that you're a total genius. This pack contains most of the stuff you need to complete all the projects in the book. You'll probably find everything else you need - like tinfoil and paperclips - around the house. The instructions are straightforward and there are lots of nifty diagrams too. There are quite a few small parts that are easy to lose, so be careful. Playing with this book is a great way to spend a rainy afternoon.

Rating: 5

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