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Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Movie Review

Reviewed by on May 22, 2011
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Johnny Depp is back as Jack Sparrow alongside a new cast of characters in the fourth instalment of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Read Kidzworlds movie review!

Blackbeard’s Ship

In this film, Jack Sparrow has found the Fountain of Youth, and all he needs now is a ship to get there. He unwittingly partners with Angelica, his former lover, who has been impersonating Jack in London. She essentially kidnaps him and takes him aboard Blackbeard’s ship. Angelica has recently learned that Blackbird is her father. And despite his soulless reputation and magical sword which he uses for no good, she is grateful just to have a dad.

Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger TidesJack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger TidesCourtesy of Walt Disney Pictures

The Fountain of Youth

Blackbeard and his crew set out with one goal in mind: to find the Fountain of Youth. And they use Jack as their guide. But their journey has become a race; two other ships are heading in the same direction—Captain Barbossa and his crew, as well as the Spanish. But before they can reap the benefits of the fountain, they need a few tools: two silver challises and a mermaid’s  tear. But acquiring a mermaid’s tear isn’t easy. They’re violent, powerful creatures, not to mention tough. They don’t shed tears  of sorrow, so making them cry is a difficult and sometimes impossible task.

The Bottom Line

The title of this film “On Stranger Tides” didn’t really make sense. The logical title should have been “The Fountain of Youth” because that was what the movie was about. While Keira Knightley  and Orlando Bloom’s  absence does leave a significant hole in the cast, the clever action sequences offer up enough entertainment to make the movie worth seeing. Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is not the best of the Pirates franchise, but it’s not the worst either.


Be sure to catch Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides on Blue-Ray + DVD on October 18, 2011! Special features include:

  • Disney Second Screen
  • Audio Commentary
  • Bloopers of the Caribbean
  • LEGO Animated Shorts: Captain Jack's Brick Tales

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Rating:4

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